The Five Stages of Keilani's Long Vacation Denial Grief

by Mark Whitten

The Five Stages of Keilani's Long Vacation Denial Grief

  1. Denial: No! This can't be happening! It's not fair! Todd can't do this to us!
  2. Anger: Three years without an update? Bullshit!!! Harry Potter fans don't know how freakin' lucky they are!!!
  3. Bargaining: Please just let him finish the next part! At least till Keilani gets back in pigtails. Please, Pele, help us!
  4. Depression: He's probably never going to finish. What's the point of bothering with anything? I give up on Keilani.
  5. Acceptance: It'll be okay. Todd has to finish the story sometime. And if he doesn't (Pele forbid) at least I have the first five parts saved on my computer.